Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Eat Stop Eat Review

The name of this product is pretty interesting Eat Stop Eat. But, it describes the program perfectly. Eat Stop Eat is a guide on intermittent fasting. This method of weight loss has taken the fitness industry by storm and is one of the most effective ways of losing weight. The popularity of the paleo diet has also caused a rise in the popularity of intermittent fasting. When combined, the weight loss is staggering. The method itself is unique because you are consuming the same amount of calories as you would on a normal day but the time frame you will eat it in is different.

The Exact Reason Almost Every Diet Will Fail You:

I'll be the first to admit that many of the popular diet programs will work, at least for the first month or two (as long as you are restricting your calories), but none of them can promise lAnd best of all, even though it's not complicated or difficult to do, science has discovered that the unique principles behind Eat Stop Eat create the optimal metabolic environment for burning body fat.ong-lasting weight loss...
They are simply too restrictive, too complicated and let's face it, some of these diets can consume your life. You can spend your entire day planning and preparing your meals!
Trust me, if you want to lose weight this sort of obsessive compulsive eating is simply not needed.
Eat Stop Eat outlines the real reasons behind why people are successful at losing weight and burning body fat without following some ridiculously difficult weight loss program.
The truth is, we've known how to cause weight loss for a thousands of years, the problem is, you can't make a lot of money by telling people the truth...
It's much more lucrative to sell people weight loss foods, shakes, potions and pills then it is to tell them the truth – that you can easily lose weight just by making a couple small, unique adjustments to how and when you eat.
In fact, I created Eat Stop Eat to be a unique kind of "ANTI-DIET" for people that are sick and tired of trying to measure out and eat 6 small meals per day. Bored to death of trying to balance their "macronutrient ratios", and hate the idea of spending one more day trying to figure out how to cycle their calories...
If you are frustrated and overwhelmed by all the scamming weight loss products promising permanent weight loss, then Eat Stop Eat is for you.
And best of all, even though it's not complicated or difficult to do, science has discovered that the unique principles behind Eat Stop Eat create the optimal metabolic environment for burning body fat.

You Are Not The Only One Who Has Felt Obsessive Self-Punishment and Suffering When Dieting:

If you're anything like the millions of other people out there who have ever experienced the pain and frustration that comes from trying to lose weight, you know that the traditional way to diet is not fun
It involves months of scrutinizing every single piece of food you put in your mouth, and never being able to eat any of the foods you love. Sometimes you get to save up all your favorite foods for the occasional cheat day (if you're lucky) and ultimately almost every diet becomes a slow inevitable march towards failure. Just about every diet can make you feel miserable.
I've never met a single person who actually enjoys constantly obsessing over food or pretending that being irritable and cranky is just a sign of their awesome 'dedication' to their diet. This isn't dedication; it's a obsessive form of self-punishment that needs to just go away.Dieting every day and THINKING about dieting every day can drain the life right out of you.  This isn't because you're weak, or because you're not dedicated enough - it's like this for EVERYONE

If you want to know if starvation mode exists, or how fasting affects Testosterone and Growth Hormone, or Leptin and Cortisol, or even if you just want a simple way to lose baby fat, then Eat Stop Eat is the ONLY book for you

  • You don't have to worry about food all day. Eating every three hours, cyclinyour protein and your carbs, measuring your glycemic index, I don't think any of these things are needed for solid long lasting weight loss. With Eat Stop Eat you can forget about all of these obsessive compulsive eating habits.
  • Your metabolism will not slow down and you will not go into "starvation mode". With Eat Stop Eat you will clearly see the research behind why short periods of fasting will not cause you to go into starvation mode. Your metabolism will stay just as high as it ever was (In fact, some research suggests it may even go higher!)
  • Your Testosterone levels will not plummet. Short period of fasting for weight loss will not cause your testosterone levels to plummet, in fact, they are typically HIGHEST when you are fasting (unless you are a mouse). Truthfully, losing excess weight could be one of the best things any man (or woman) could do maintain healthy levels of testosterone
  • You will not get light-headed and cranky! It is actually a myth that not eating causes you to become cranky or light headed. From my experience it is actually a mental 'addiction'  to eating that makes most people get cranky when they don't eat. Eat Stop Eat can help you to break the 'food addiction' that causes this reaction.
  • You don't have to avoid going to restaurants with your friends. Eat Stop Eat is flexible. Spending months hiding from your friends because you are on a restrictive diet is a thing of the past. Now you can enjoy the freedom to live normally (and still lose weight).
  • You will save money. Eat Stop Eat won't ask you to start drinking organic raw goats milk or non-pasteurized rice milk or any other expensive food that you really don't like. With Eat Stop Eat you will learn why you don't have to spend any extra money on "special foods" if you want to lose weight.
  • You will boost your body fat burning hormones. With Eat Stop Eat you will reap the benefits of naturally increasing the exact same hormones that celebrities are paying thousands of dollars for in an attempt to stay lean, muscular and young looking.
  • You will not have to take any weird supplements or eat special foods. Let's face it. A good nutrition program should not ever have to rely on supplements to help you lose weight.
  • You will still have great workouts. Think not eating for a couple hours is going to ruin your workout? Think again. You can still have amazing body fat burning and muscle building workouts while following Eat Stop Eat.
  • You will not lose ANY of your hard earned muscle. Eat Stop Eat will show you the scientific facts behind why a lot of what you are told about dieting and muscle loss is nothing more than diet industry scare tactics.
  • You will lose weight, and this weight will be all body fat. With the Eat Stop Eat program, weight loss is steady and consistent, and the weight you will lose will be body fat.
  • You don't have to avoid carbs, or fats. Forget about eating canned tuna and low fat cottage cheese for days on end, Eat Stop Eat was designed to work in the real world, so you can eat real food and still lose weight.
  • You don't have to eat mega-doses of protein every day. Do you think you need to eat 50 grams of protein every 2-3 hours in order to lose weight? Well think again. With Eat Stop Eat you'll learn the real truth behind protein, muscle mass and dieting. Goodbye expensive gross protein shakes.
  • You will not have to take any weird cleansing products or laxatives. Eat Stop Eat is an advanced fasting diet that is based on real world science. There are no weird potions or laxatives involved.
  • You can follow the diet you like best. With Eat Stop Eat you can follow any style of eating you like, after all, Eat Stop Eat doesn't tell you what you can and can't eat, that's all up to you.
  • You will be productive. With Eat Stop Eat, you won't go into a super low productive funk like what happens with some traditional diets. In fact, many people have told me that they are their absolute most productive on their fasting days!
  • You will have energy. With Eat Stop Eat you will not feel tired, cranky or lethargic. In fact, I'm guessing you will feel energized and alert.
  • And most importantly, you will not waste any of your precious time!
I have no doubt that once you realize the ease and the simplicity of the Eat Stop Eat lifestyle you will be absolutely amazed. You may even think that I am lying, but it's all true, and it is all backed by solid scientific research.
As unbelievable as this all may sound, I am doing my absolute best to make sure I do not mislead you – the simple truth is, you've already been misled into believing that dieting has to be complicated.
When I finished writing the first manuscript of Eat Stop Eat, I handed it to one of my friends who has tried just about every popular diet on the market. When she finished Reading Eat Stop Eat, she put the book down, looked up at me and said "Brad, if it's really this easy, I'm going to be very pissed off!"...
Well it is just that easy, and it does make that much sense.
But I do understand why you are skeptical – after all, a recent survey suggested that more than 40% of weight loss advertisements make at least one claim that is almost certainly false and misleading – That's almost half the ads you see. So I understand your hesitation and want to make sure that you know EXACTLY what Eat Stop Eat has to offer you

$39 FREE For 3 Days

The Good Points

1) The guide is written in a simple, easy to follow style. You do not need to understand complex biology to know how intermittent fasting will work for you. You just need to do what Brad says. That’s easy to do. It’s also a fun read

2) The program is not created upon BS theory. There are currently many fitness products on the market with hyped up sales pages, muscular models in videos and snazzy graphics all designed to hook the naïve consumer in. The products themselves are untested theory that do not work. 

Thankfully, Eat Stop Eat, is not one of them. The official website is not hyped up. It gels with Brad’s easy going style. The guide also makes several references to scientific studies so you know that this is not untested rubbish. 

3) This product is good for both men and women. Unlike some diet methods that are really harsh and cavemen like, this way of eating will appeal to women. You have much more flexibility and the sheer effectiveness of the method lends a certain laxity to eat. You will actually be able to eat a muffin or cookie here and there without adding 20 pounds to your waist. 
4) You will be taught when to recognize if your body is truly hungry. We live in a world where people eat when they are happy, sad, bored, angry, etc. They eat for every other reason and very rarely because they are hungry.
5) It’s an online download so you get immediate access to the product. No shipping to worry about.

$39 FREE For 3 Days

The Bad Points:

1) You will have to put in effort. This style of eating requires you to change your habits a little. It will take about 2 weeks for your body to adjust but once you’ve done it, you will love intermittent fasting..

2) It’s an online product. You will need a computer and internet connection.

Should You Get It?

Two big thumbs up. This is an excellent product and probably the best guide on intermittent fasting out there. 

The fact that you can eat whatever you want as long as you follow the method is truly mind blowing. Of course, you will have to eat in moderation but unlike other diets which are restrictive and don’t allow you to eat carbs, sugar, etc… you have a lot of flexibility with intermittent fasting.

You just need to do it right. In order to do it right, you need correct, easy to follow info. Eat Stop Eat…has your name all over it. 

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